[Corinth Basket] NB191 P81

191 81 Pit at B-C:21-22. Well at B-C: 21-22 (Well 1947-1) ... late 6th-early 5th BC


[Corinth Basket] NB250 B3 P62: Room H

Basket/zembil 250 3 62 NB250 P62 B3 Lot 1973 MT: Area H, stone layer over lower floor ... Late 6th-early 5th c. B.C.


[Corinth Basket] NB957 B39 P104

Basket/zembil 957 39 104 Layer of red Late Antique fill. Firm brown reddish soil mixed with slightly darker soil. 5% small to medium cobbles and pebbles. Fineware. It Sig unid bs 2; Cooking ware. pot with ... early 5th century AD


[Corinth Basket] NB964 B66 P137

Basket/zembil 964 66 137 Lot 2004-019 softer cobble fill Fineware. ray based kotyle triangular rays bases 2 bs 1 (saved to lot) .; Fineware. krater rim 1 (saved to lot) .; Fineware. ray based kotyle with ... late 6th - early 5th