[Corinth Basket] NB181 P512

Deposit 181 512 NB181 P512 Box4 Lot Thrown NB181 P512 Box4 Lot Thrown NB169 P272 NB181 P512 Box4 NB181 P512 Area IV 12:Y-l to 3:h-T, area badly disturbed by previous excavations, from -4.00 to 4.40 m ... 1938/04/15

[Corinth Basket] NB155 P8

155 8 Basilica fill ... 1936/11/17

[Corinth Basket] NB155 P10

155 10 NB155 P10 Fill in SW corner of cryptoportico ... According to notebook

[Corinth Basket] NB160 P85

Deposit 160 85 NB160 P085 Sherds from mixed fill over shallow cut at U-X:19-23 ... 1936/11/16