[Agora Object] Agora XXIX, no. 1668

Hellenistic Baggy Kantharos: Boiotian? Part of wall, rim, and lower handle attachment. Convex upper wall, incurved rim. Groove well below lower handle attachment. Below rim, ivy garland with incised ... Context of 325-275 ... P.H. 8.4; est. Diam. 11.0.

[Agora Object] Agora XXIX, no. 1697

Hellenistic Kantharos. P 31878 a, b One-third of rim, with handle attachment (a) and part of handle (b, not illustrated) preserved. Large vessel with incurved rim, either a large Corinthian skyphos ... Context of 225-190 ... Shape as Kabirion III, nos. 126, 127, 129, p. 131, pl. ... P 31878 a, b One-third