[Corinth Coin] 2015 272: Byzantine Copper/Bronze Coin of Manuel (AD 1081 - AD 1118)

Manuel ... AE monogram (peudent pi) figure of emperor E: 124.08 N: 1081.96 H: 84.73, Temple E, Southeast, context 786, ... AD 1081 - AD 1118

[Corinth Coin] 2015 273: Byzantine Copper/Bronze Coin (AD 1081 - AD 1118)

AE Illeg. Illeg. E: 123.88 N: 1081.86 H: 84.72, Temple E, Southeast, context 786, ... AD 1081 - AD 1118

[Corinth Coin] 2015 274: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Trident type and control illegible Pegasos flg. L Trident Fill of robbing trench of N-S wall, sieve, South Stoa, context 37, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 275: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Sikyon Mint

Sikyon ... AE Dove flying l. ΣI in wreath tying l. well fill, 16th deposit from top, el. 76.95, South Stoa, context 63, .


[Corinth Coin] 2015 276: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin of Ptolemy III (247 BC - 222 BC)

Ptolemy III ... AE [ΠTO] ΛEM [AIOY] – BAΣ [IΛ] EΩΣ Bust of Ptolemy r., laur., wearing aegis ΠTOΛEMAIOY – BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle stg. L. on thunderbolt; in r. field, cornucopiae well fill, 16th deposit from top, sieve, South Stoa, ... 247 BC - 222 BC

[Corinth Coin] 2015 277: Greek Copper/Bronze Chalkous, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Type 21 trident?, Group 3, Price Class A, 3.27, swollen, encrusted, cracked Pegasos flg. L. Trident [Δ] – Amphora? Martyr at junction of RT 34 and 65, South Stoa, context 66, .


[Corinth Coin] 2015 278: Greek Imperial/Roman Provincial Copper/Bronze Sextans of Flaminius-Regulus, Corinth Mint (AD 50 - AD 51)

Corinth ... Flaminius-Regulus ... AE L. Paconius Flam, Cn. Publicius Regulus, obv centering hole [FL]AM REG – IIVIR Radiate bust of Helios r. COR – SE Poseidon naked, stg. L., holding dolphin and trident Martyr at junction of RT 34 and ... AD 50 - AD 51

[Corinth Coin] 2015 279: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin

AE illegible, probably Pegasus flg. L illegible, probably trident Martyr at intersection of RT 34 and 65, sieve, South Stoa, context 66, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 280: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Trident type 21 Pegasos flg. L.; below, koppa Trident - Herakles walking l., bow in r. and club behind in l.? Well fill, 17th deposit from the top, sieve, South Stoa, context 67, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 281: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Type 13 trident, uncertain controls Pegasos flg. L. Trident Well fill, 18th deposit from the top, South Stoa, context 68, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 282: Illegible coin

Fill in robbing trench 65, el. 81.11, South Stoa, context 69, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 283: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin

AE encrusted illegible illegible Well fill, 19th deposit from the top, elevation 76.13, South Stoa, context 70, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 287: Byzantine Copper/Bronze Coin

AE Illeg. Illeg. sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 796, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 288: Byzantine Copper/Bronze Coin of Manuel? (AD 1143 - AD 1180)

Manuel? ... AE illeg. Figure of Emperor holding labarum sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 796, ... AD 1143 - AD 1180

[Corinth Coin] 2015 289: Byzantine Copper/Bronze Coin of Manuel (AD 1143 - AD 1180)

Manuel ... AE Monogram (peudent pi) Figure of emperor sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 796, ... AD 1143 - AD 1180

[Corinth Coin] 2015 291: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Coin

AE Imperial bust (? Woman) Faint trace of a Nike Sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 792, . Late Roman; 4th cent. A.D. (?)

[Corinth Coin] 2015 293: Frankish Copper/Bronze Unit of William Villehardouin, Corinth Mint (AD 1250 - AD 1278)

Corinth ... William Villehardouin ... AE + G PACCAIE Long cross + CORINTVM Acro. Castle unit Sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 792, . poor condition ... AD 1250 - AD 1278

[Corinth Coin] 2015 295: Not a coin

South Stoa, context 70, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 296: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Pegasos flg. L.; below, koppa Trident, Σ – Stylized wreath fill of possible FT east side of wall 38, South Stoa, context 71, .


[Corinth Coin] 2015 297: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Thyrreion Mint (300 BC - 250 BC)

Thyrreion ... AE Head of Athena r. in crested Attic helmet Chimaira r. on ground line; below belly, A with curved crossbar fill of possible FT on east side of wall 38, South Stoa, context 71, ... 300 BC - 250 BC

[Corinth Coin] 2015 298: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Trident uncertain control; 12? (scrolls out) Pegasos flg. L. Trident, figure r.: E – Y Ares? Fill of Foundation Trench on East Side of Wall 38, sieve, South Stoa, context 71, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 299: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Group 5 Pegasos flg. L., below, koppa trident, Ivy-leaf down A – P Fill of Possible Foundation Trench in East Side in Wall 38, South Stoa, context 71, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 300: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Herakles head r. Forepart of Pegasus r.; below, koppa Fill of possible FT on east side of wall 38, South Stoa, context 71, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 301: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Trident type 13, barbs in Pegasos flying l. trident, figure l. in r. Fill of Foundation Trench on East Side of Wall 38, South Stoa, context 71, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 302: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Argos Mint

Argos ... AE uncertain controls Wolf’s head l. Large A Fill of possible FT along e side of wall 38, South Stoa, context 71, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 303: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Sikyon Mint (196 BC - 146 BC)

Sikyon ... AE Dove flg l., Spur on wing; traces of letters above tail ΣI in berried wreath tying above well fill, 20th deposit from top, South Stoa, context 73, ... 196 BC - 146 BC

[Corinth Coin] 2015 304: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Sikyon Mint

Sikyon ... AE Dove flg. R. ΣI in wreath tying above well fill, 21st deposit from top, South Stoa, context 76, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 305: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Trident type 13 Pegasos flg. L. Δ – Ω Amphora well fill, 22nd deposit, South Stoa, context 78, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 306: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Uncertain Σ group (Σ – [ ], or Type 42 trident with illegible controls) Pegasos flg. L.; below, koppa Trident Σ foundation trench along e wall of wall 38, el. 81.395, South Stoa, context 81, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 307: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE swollen, cracked, corroded Head of Athena l. in crested Corinthian helmet Trident […IΩ]N foundation trench along e wall of wall 38, el. 81.35, South Stoa, context 81, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 308: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Head of Apollo, r., laureate Statue of Zeus r., to l., race torch? foundation trench along e wall of wall 38, el. 81.38, South Stoa, context 81, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 309: Not a coin

Sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 792, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 310: Byzantine Copper/Bronze Imitative Coin (AD 1204 - AD 1261)

AE Imitative Emperor 1/2 figure (only part of panoply visible) illegible Sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 792, . Octagonal clip; possibly Latin Imitative Barbaric ... AD 1204 - AD 1261

[Corinth Coin] 2015 311: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Coin, Thessalonika Mint (AD 347 - AD 348)

Thessalonika ... AE Emperor bust (Val. II or Val. III) [VICTORIA AVN] 2 victories holding wreath(es) betw/ them Sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 792, . Late Roman; late 4th - mid. 5th cent. A.D. Cf. LRCB ... AD 347 - AD 348

[Corinth Coin] 2015 312: Frankish Copper/Bronze Unit of William Villehardouin, Corinth Mint (AD 1250 - AD 1278)

Corinth ... William Villehardouin ... AE + G PACCAIE long cross + CORINTUM Acro. Castle Sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 792, ... AD 1250 - AD 1278

[Corinth Coin] 2015 313: Frankish Copper/Bronze Unit of William Villehardouin, Corinth Mint (AD 1250 - AD 1278)

Corinth ... William Villehardouin ... AE + G PACCAIE Cross + CORINTI Genoa Castle Sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 792, . clipped at the top ... AD 1250 - AD 1278

[Corinth Coin] 2015 314: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Coin

AE Emperor bust female figure, possibly a Nike Sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 792, . Late Roman ?

[Corinth Coin] 2015 315: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Coin (AD 457 - AD 474)

AE Faint traces of lettering on both sides, but otherwise illegible Sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 792, . Late Roman ? ... AD 457 - AD 474

[Corinth Coin] 2015 316: Frankish Copper/Bronze Unit of William Villehardouin, Corinth Mint (AD 1250 - AD 1278)

Corinth ... William Villehardouin ... AE + G PACCAIE [long] cross + CORINTI/CORINTVM Genoa Castle/Acro. Castle Sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 792, . Folded; heavily corroded ... AD 1250 - AD 1278

[Corinth Coin] 2015 317: Illegible Copper/Bronze coin

AE cross illegible Sieve, Temple E, Southeast, context 792, . broke in sieve; illegible, heavily corroded and halved