
[Agora Deposit] Q 8:4: Chamber Tomb Northeast of Pier 19, Burial 1

Mycenaean Tomb to NE of Pier 19 (Burial #1) Most of the doorway and the dromos had been cut away by the ancient Stoa builders. The dimensions of the chamber were 2.90m wide by 1.60m deep. Unusual features ... Myc. III A:1


[Agora Deposit] Q 10:2: Chamber Tomb at Southeast Corner of Pier 12

Mycenaean Grave at SE corner of Pier 12 (Burial 9). There are no traces of dromos, which must have been located at the north and have been cut away by the trench four the south stylobate of the Square ... Myc. III A:1


[Agora Deposit] Q 10:3: Chamber Tomb to West of Pier 12

Mycenaean Grave to W of Pier 12 (Burial 11). The northern part of the tomb had been cut away by the foundation trench for the south stylobate of the Square Building that preceded the Stoa, and the dromos, ... Myc. IIB-IIIA:1


[Agora Image] 2004.01.1783 (HAT 65-59)

Temenos under the Middle Stoa terrace during conservation of the South Square ... northeast ... 1965


[Agora Image] 2004.01.2299 (HAT 51-60)

Statue base with a dedication by Leagros ... 1951


[Agora Image] 2004.01.2339 (HAT 51-185)

Grave Stele, Athens National Museum ... Comparative material ... 1951


[Agora Image] 2004.01.0410 (HAT 51-105)

Cist grave as cleaned. Bone in left foreground is a displaced thigh-bone. Deposit O 7:3 ... =XLVII-82 southeast ... 12 Jun 1951


[Agora Image] 2004.01.0411 (HAT 51-108)

Eugene Vanderpool finding bronze bowl B 966. Deposit O 7:7 ... 1951