[Agora Deposit] G 12:18: Urn-Burial of an Infant

Rodney S. Young ... Grave 17 in notebook. No offerings. Amphora containing skeleton of small child was laid on its side in pit. RSY Lot Β 304 Fill over Grave 17 ... Early 6th century B.C (?)


[Agora Deposit] G 12:19: Remains of a Sacrificial Pyre

Burned Deposit. A thick deposit of ash, cinders and pottery fragments extending alongside wall of cemetery. Character of pottery like the pyre of F 12:2 ... Late Geometric

[Agora Deposit] G 12:20: Pits in Floor of Tholos

From disturbances in original floor of Tholos with ash and burning. Probably reflects the military and political conditions of 307 B.C. The broken pottery, both that left lying on the floor of the building ... Ca. 340-295 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] G 12:21: Well 2

Circular well cut through the old road after it had gone out of use, and filled probably at the time of the building of the drain and building A, and the throwing of fill over the road ... Ca. 430-400 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:22: Refuse Dump in Tholos Trench E

Located in Tholos Trench E, beneath floor, beneath layer III. Diameter 1m. Cf. P 4952 with fragment from this deposit and E-F 12-14.2. Similar the well filling, H 6:5 Originally called H 12:5 Ann Steiner ... Ca. 470-460 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] G 12:23: Refuse Dump in Tholos Trench T

Kitchen Dump in Tholos Trench T ... 375-350 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:24: Inhumation with Remains of a Sacrificial Pyre

Grave 20 in notebook. Objects recorded in nb. from Grave 21 (earlier and disturbed by Grave 20) are included here. A pyre [using pieces of pots from Grave 21] was probably burned beside grave 20 and some ... Late Geometric


[Agora Deposit] G 12:25: Inhumation, Probably of a Man

Grave 21 in notebook. Grave twice disturbed. Of the skeleton only the thigh bones were found. No offerings. Objects listed in nb. as from Grave 21 are taken to be with grave 20 (probably pyre objects) ... Late Geometric