[Corinth Lot] LOT 0714: Cut 2 and 3

near clay strosis at 121-124/OB-OZ about below 86.8, incl area S of room D ... Cut 2 and 3

[Corinth Lot] LOT 1595: Room 2, fill between floors 2 and 3

Nonjoining to Lot 1594. 1/4 13th c. AD (mixed with late 11th and late 12th with two possible later contaminations ... Room 2, fill between floors 2 and 3

[Agora Lot] Ω 80: House D; Room 3; Between Floors 2 and 3

Late 5th-4th B.C ... House D; Room 3; Between Floors 2 and 3

[Agora Lot] Ω 81: House D; Room 3; Between Floors 2 and 3

Late 5th-4th B.C ... House D; Room 3; Between Floors 2 and 3