[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Boule


The Boule (The Senate) The Athenian legislature also included a deliberative body known as the Boule. It was made up of 500 members -- 50 from each of the 10 tribes -- who were chosen by lot and served ... Papoulias. Athens, Agora Museum ... been found. There is no ... Agora square. It originally

[Agora Webpage] Publications: Monographs


Monographs Excavations in the civic and cultural center of classical Athens began in 1931 and have continued almost without interruption to the present day. The first Athenian Agora volumes presenting ... Agora

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: State Religion


State Religion: The Archon Basileus There was no attempt in Classical Athens to separate church and state. Altars and shrines were intermingled with the public areas and buildings of the city. A single ... Archon Basileus There was no ... Athens, Agora Museum P 42. It ... the Agora square. It was

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 4 2004: Athenian Citizenship


Athenian Citizenship The government of ancient Athens concerned itself with many aspects of the lives of its citizens. In the pure democracy of Athens the government was not only of the people and for ... Agora (1), that the pure ... illustrated. 1. The Agora and ... him who takes no part in

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Sources and Documents


Sources and Documents Our understanding of the workings and history of Athenian democracy comes from a variety of sources. Most useful, perhaps, are the ancient literary texts that survive, many of which ... discoveries in the Athenian Agora ... styluses, 2nd-1st century B.C ... Agora Museum B 1292, 705,

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Tyranny


Tyranny As happened in many other Greek states, a tyrant arose in Athens in the 6th century B.C. His name was Peisistratos, and after several unsuccessful attempts he seized power in 546 B.C. and ruled ... (Herodotus 1.64), Aristotle's ... 16.1-2) Aristotle has further ... no trouble during his rule

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Practice of Ostracism


Ostracism Soon after their victory over the Persians at the battle of Marathon in 490 B.C., the Athenians began the practice of ostracism, a form of election designed to curb the power of any rising tyrant ... Agora

[Agora Webpage] Overview: Photography


Photography A photograph made using the traditional silver halide process is a visual record largely unaltered by the photographer. It is this quality of capturing a mirrored image of the scene that lends ... Agora