[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 4 2004: Athenian Currency


Athenian Currency Many of the specialized administrative boards have left material traces of their activities. Most prolific of these were the moneyers, or Overseers of the Mint. Throughout her history ... officials. 32. Plan of the Mint, ... identified as the Mint (32 ... only bronze and no silver

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Boule


The Boule (The Senate) The Athenian legislature also included a deliberative body known as the Boule. It was made up of 500 members -- 50 from each of the 10 tribes -- who were chosen by lot and served ... been found. There is no

[Agora Webpage] Publications: Monographs


Monographs Excavations in the civic and cultural center of classical Athens began in 1931 and have continued almost without interruption to the present day. The first Athenian Agora volumes presenting ... piece of which no adequate ... 978-0-87661-232-3Volume: 32 Examples of Roman