[Corinth Lot] LOT 4373: MT: Room O:21-22, ??

2015: tray rotted Original stratum: Area A: cut 8:1965. West: between walls 73 and 74 to bottom of wall 74 Temp Lot Number: 411 ... NB282 B3 P172

[Corinth Lot] LOT 4376: MT: Room O:21-22, layer 3

2015: tray rotted Original stratum: Area A: Cut 8:1965: West of wall 74, room M test pit, layer 3 underlying wall 75 Temp Lot Number: 414 ... MT: Room O:21-22, layer 3

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2149: LT: Building N-O:24-25, clay layer

Original stratum: LT: Room L, white clay patch west of mid block of wall 35, -0.44 to 0.47 m. below surface Temp Lot Number: 210 ... NB283 B3 P28

[Corinth Lot] LOT 0890: LT: Surface to bedrock north of Trapezaoidal Stoa, south of Buildings N-O:25-26 and N-O:24-25

RF joins with lots 2143, 2110, 2247 Original stratum: LT: Trench theta:61, along north edge of Pit B and north end of trench a (north of rough stone wall) from surface to bedrock Temp Lot Number: 22 ... south of Buildings N-O:25-26 and N-O:24-25

[Corinth Lot] LOT 6194: LT: Room N-O:18-19, fill over floor 3

Original stratum: LT: Rubble complex: between 'oven' and wall 87, over floor 2 ... LT: Room N-O:18-19, fill over floor 3

[Corinth Lot] LOT 4469: LT: General fill above south wall of Building N-O:22-223

Cf. section NB286 p. 100 Original stratum: LT: Area B, baulk east of Pt. Q, part II Temp Lot Number: 506 ... LT: General fill above south wall of Building N-O:22-223

[Corinth Lot] LOT 1952: LT: dumped fill over southwest corner of Building N-O:24-25

Original stratum: LT: Wall 10, north face, east of wall 17, from top of wall 10 to top of wall 17 Temp Lot Number: 37 ... LT: dumped fill over southwest corner of Building N-O:24-25

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2178: LT: Building N-O:22-23, dumped pottery fill over northwest quarter

1982: mended with related lots; probably = lot 2152, but since it gives fills below 42 and over 45, definitely better to leave it separate (NB) Original stratum: LT: Cut 17:1964, north of wall 42, east ... NB280 B3 P190