

Lamp with flat bottom surrounded by groove, flaring convex body, neaarly flat rim, ridge and groove surrounding concave discus, small fill hole, nozzle enclosed by rim, solid vertical lug handle with ... 1933/04/20 ... Broneer fig. 49, type XVIII ... Moulded decoration: rim: concentric rings of globules, ovules. Discus: rays. Broneer


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 133, spread 94 (p. 140)

140 Pg. 140, Costern 1933-1, 12/5/1933, CL 1692, BRONEER TYPE XXVIII LAMP; fragment of lamp Type XXVIII Pg. 140, Costern 1933-1, 12/5/1933, CL 1702, frgment of lamp Type XXVIII Pg. 140, Costern 1933-1, ... 12/5/1933 ... NB 133, spread 94 (p. 140)


[Agora Object] T 101: Standing Draped Female Figurine Fragment

Lower front part; preserved from mid-thigh down; fragment preserves more of right side than of left. Figure clothed in long garment which hangs in narrow folds from knee down; above this point, covered ... 2 March 1932 ... Hesperia 69 (2000), p. 244, n. 64 ... Hesperia 23 (1954), p. 106, pl. 20, no. 4.


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 892, spread 63 (p. 121)

121 Pg. 121, Beneath pise destruction layer east of mosaic court., NB892 B101, Beneath pise destruction layer east of mosaic court., A 1997 4, PAINTED WALL PLASTER: MAENAD Pg. 121, Beneath pise destruction ... Pg. 121, Beneath pise destruction layer east of mosaic court., NB892 B101, Beneath ... Pg. 121, Beneath pise destruction layer east of mosaic court., NB892 B101, Beneath

[Agora Object] AP 2644: Mycenaean Fragment

From a krater, dark dark brown on buff. C.f. slip of paper in the back of notebook Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 5. (V). Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 5. Aglaurion, 6.70-7m. 70, 72 ... 21 May 1937; 12, 13 June 1937; 6 April 1938 ... C.f. slip of paper in the back of notebook Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 5. (V) ... Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 5. Aglaurion, 6.70-7m.

[Agora Object] AP 2961: Early Mycenaean Sherd

Rim sherd. Red on buff. C.f. slip of paper in the back of notebook Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 5. (V). Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 5. Aglaurion, 6.70-7m. 72 ... 21 May 1937; 12, 13 June 1937; 6 April 1938 ... Hesperia 8 (1939), p. 350, fig. 24e.

[Agora Object] AP 2970: Early Mycenaean Fragment

Black - orange on buff. C.f. slip of paper in the back of notebook Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 5. (V). Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 5. Aglaurion, 6.70-7m. 72 ... 21 May 1937; 12, 13 June 1937; 6 April 1938 ... Hesperia 8 (1939), p. 350, fig. 24h.

[Agora Object] AP 2978: Early Mycenaean Sherd

Black on a rather mottled buff. Object not mentioned on page 71 of notebook Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 5. Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 5. Aglaurion, 5.50-6.70m. 71 ... 19, 20 May 1937; 9-11 June 1937; 2-5 April 1938 ... Object not mentioned on page 71 of notebook Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 5 ... Oscar Broneer, Nb. No. 5. Aglaurion, 5.50-6.70m.