
[Agora Coin] N 9395: Byzantine Coin

Anonymous Byzantine ... Anonymous Byzantine Coin, Bellinger Class Ig. Coin no. 19. [+]HΛ Bust of Christ, bearded, facing, wearing nimbus cr. (with ornament in each limb of cross), tunic and mantle; r. hand in benediction, l ... 976(?) - ca. 1030/1035 A.D ... Anonymous Byzantine Coin, Bellinger Class Ig ... +I' In field above and below, ornament. Border of dots.

[Corinth Coin] 1938 430: Byzantine Gold Coin of Manuel I (AD 1143 - AD 1180)

Manuel I ... AV Agora SC, . Gold Hoard ... AD 1143 - AD 1180 ... Manuel I

[Agora Coin] N 42041

Maḥmūd I, Muṣṭafa III, Abd ül-Ḥamīd I ... Hoard of silver coins of Maḥmūd I, Muṣṭafa III and Abd ül-Ḥamīd I. Coin no. 26. GCM 939 Turkish hoard Just under latest floor level of church, in a mass of bones. 639 ... 1730-1789 A.D ... ΗΗ-430


[Corinth Coin] 1962 163: Greek Silver Stater, Corinth Mint (430 BC - 415 BC)

Corinth ... AR koppa Pegasus r.; single pointed wing Head of Athena r.; trident to l. trident Oakley South, Area I, Dow trench 14 Excavation date: 6/15/1962 Notebook 244 [245] p.71 [140]; Basket 3, . Study Collection ... 430 BC - 415 BC ... Oakley South, Area I, Dow trench 14 Excavation date: 6/15/1962 Notebook 244

[Agora Coin] N 42006

Constantinople ... Selīm I ... Coin no. 1. GCM 929.1. Church of Christ; west end, below period A floor level. 430, 767 ... 1516 A.D ... 430, 767


[Agora Coin] N 38391: Roman Coin

Rome ... Philip I ... Σηστέρτιο: Φίλιππος Ι 244 249 μ.Χ. Coin no. 29. House P, on floor. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Bust of the Emperor r., laureate, draped, cuirassed. SAECVLARES AVGG SC Lion walking r. C 84 ... 248 A.D ... Coins | By Subject | Historical Persons | Philippus I ... Coins | Roman Coins | Imperial | Philippus I


[Corinth Coin] 1929 2217: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Coin of Constantine I, Thessalonika Mint (AD 330 - AD 333)

Thessalonika ... Constantine I ... AE CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG Emperor bust r., wearing diadem GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS Two soldiers vis-a-vis, each holding spear in outer hand, two standards between them; SMTSA in exergue Rev: SMTSA in exergue ... AD 330 - AD 333 ... example: 1969-430 (Gymn)


[Corinth Coin] 1929 2287: Byzantine Copper/Bronze Follis, Trebizond Mint

Trebizond ... AE IC - XC Bust of Christ, bearded and nimbate, wearing tunic and kolobion; [holds Gospels (open) in l. hand] ES - I ODEC[ P ] Bust of Emperor wearing stemma, divitision, collarpiece, and jeweled loros ... ES - I ODEC[ P ]