[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Temple of Apollo Patroos


Temple of Apollo Patroos Next to the Stoa of Zeus at the south are the remains of a small temple of Apollo Patroos (Fatherly), so-called because he was the father of Ion, founder of the Ionian Greeks, ... Kalamis. They say the god


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 3, s. 262, p. 252

Hephaistos. Hera. Lakinia. Herakleidai. Hygieia. Hymettos. Herakles. Hyperbolos. Hypereides. Hyrkanos. Hermaios. Hermes Agoraios. Iaccheion. Iacchos. Iatros. Hermoglyphoi. Ichthyopolia. Herms. Ikria. Iliad ... Agora 3 252 ... Kalamis


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 14, s. 274, p. 249

The Athenian Agora; Volume 014; The Agora of Athens; The History; Index; General; Iakchos. The Athenian Agora; Volume 014; The Agora of Athens; The History; Index; General; Kerkopes; Agora. The Athenian ... Agora 14 249 ... General; Kalamis