[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Aiakeion


Aiakeion Immediately to the east are the poor remains of a large square enclosure, open to the sky and measuring about 30 meters on a side. Built in the early 5th century, at the command of the oracle ... measuring about 30 meters on a

[Agora Webpage] Overview: The Excavations


The Excavations Excavations in the Athenian Agora by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens commenced in 1931 under the supervision of T. Leslie Shear. The systematic excavation of this important ... Excavations began about 7:30 a.m ... May 25, 1931; (f ) Section

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Metroon


Metroon (Archives) The Metroon served two functions; it was both a sanctuary of the Mother of the Gods and the archive building of the city, a repository of official records (Fig. 19). The present remains ...

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Southeast Fountain House


Southeast Fountain House The slight traces just south of the Church of the Holy Apostles have been identified as the remains of an early fountain house (Figs. 33, 34). The identification is based on a ...

[Agora Webpage] Overview: The Church of the Holy Apostles


The Church of the Holy Apostles Though several churches were removed in the clearing of the site for excavation, it was decided to save and restore the little Byzantine church dedicated to the Holy Apostles ... church every June 30

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 4 2004: Law Against Tyranny


Law Against Tyranny In the fourth century B.C. the Athenians were faced with the dangerous possibility of tyranny. Although the Macedonian king had guaranteed Athenian democracy in the peace following ...

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Political Organization of Attica


Political Organization of Attica: Demes and Tribal Representation Each tribe was divided into three parts, and each third (trittys) was from one of the three regions of Attica, plain, coast, or hills ...

[Agora Webpage] Publications: Picture Books


Picture Books The Athenian Agora Picture Book series, started in 1951, aims to make information about life in the ancient commercial and political center of Athens available to a wide audience. Each booklet ... 30,000 individual Athenians ... Author: Kleiner, F ... F. S.Publication Date: