[Agora Lot] Ζ 5: Well at -0.50m

Mostly coarse and unglazed; casseroles; kraters etc. P 2854 according to the notebook belongs to Lot Ζ 5 (p. 1206) but probably belongs to the lower fill H 12:11.2, found ca. -8.75m. (p. 1193) ... 18 May 1933 ... found ca. -8.75m. (p. 1193) ... P 2854 according to the notebook belongs to Lot Ζ 5 (p

[Agora Lot] Ω 168: Well at 64/Γ

a) Fill I; containers 1-5, 16 March 1938 and 21-24 March 1938 to depth of -9.30m. Selected. Late Roman; Dark age. b) Fill II; containers 6-8. -9.30 to -11.00m Same fill ? c) Fill III; containers 9-13 ... 7th A.D. 1st half of 3rd A.D. 1st A.D ... containers 6-8. -9.30 to -11.00m Same fill ? c) Fill III ... -9.30m. Selected. Late Roman;

[Corinth Lot] LOT 5704: LT: Building M:16-17, Room 3, general fill over it

Thrown after further study Original stratum: LT: Cuts 1:1968, 2:1968, layers III-IV ... LT: Building M:16-17, Room 3, general fill over it

[Corinth Lot] LOT 5649: LT: Building M:17-18, fill over stereo floor

Equals lot 5654 but kept separate since it is pure Original stratum: LT: NW Banquet hall: east couch, layer IV Temp Lot Number: 574 ... hall: east couch, layer IV

[Corinth Lot] LOT 4376: MT: Room O:21-22, layer 3

2015: tray rotted Original stratum: Area A: Cut 8:1965: West of wall 74, room M test pit, layer 3 underlying wall 75 Temp Lot Number: 414 ... NB282 B4 P186