[Agora Lot] Α 332: Rectangular Rock-Cut Shaft; To -12.00m to -14.00m

Some at -12.00m, -12.40m. Most at -13.10m, -13.50m. A few at -14.00m. Four fragmentary round mouthed oinochoai (like P 1259), one with small flat bottom; no base ring. Also fragments of a funnel from ca ... September 1932 ... pithoi, tubs, p. 1340 ... Some at -12.00m, -12.40m. Most at -13.10m, -13.50m. A few at -14.00m ... Four fragmentary round mouthed oinochoai (like P

[Corinth Lot] LOT 3419: LT: Building N-O:17-18, layer under clay floor associated with east wall

Stratum covers Archaic wall 94 of Room 1, N-O:18-19 Original stratum: LT: Area Gamma: cut 6:1965. Stratum underlying clay floor associated with wall 65 ... LT: Building N-O:17-18, layer under clay floor associated with east wall

[Corinth Lot] LOT 6836: LT: Building M-N:20-26, Dining Room 1, fill over upper floor

Burnt notebook; no elevations Original stratum: LT: Room U, beneath and west of: fill over lower floor of Room Fa west of U, and over upper floor of FA under U ... NB513 B91 P94 ... NB513 B95 P98 ... NB513 B96 P100

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2110: LT: Building N-O:24-25, dumped pottery fill overlying building

1982: mended with other lots from building; joins: 2094, 2098, 2140, 2141, 2144; in lot are non-joining frgts. Of same vessels pulled from lots 2142, 2144, 2244, 1972-207 Original stratum: LT: Room L, ... LT: Building N-O:24-25, dumped pottery fill overlying building