[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Southwest Area


Southwest Area - Industry and Houses Leaving the area of the boundary stone, one can head southwest up a valley leading toward the Pnyx, meeting place of the Athenian assembly. Here are the complex remains ... at the rear (Fig. 28). It ... commercial function. Figure 28

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: History of the Agora


History of the Agora The excavations of the Athenian Agora have uncovered about thirty acres on the sloping ground northwest of the Acropolis (Fig. 3). Material of all periods from the Late Neolithic to ... 5th and 4th centuries to ... Poikile [28], Tholos [6], New ... in the 4th and 5th

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Monument of the Eponymous Heroes


Monument of the Eponymous Heroes Across the street from the Metroon lie the remains of the Monument of the Eponymous Heroes (Fig. 21). When Kleisthenes created the democracy in 508/7 B.C., he assigned ... the 4th century B.C. The ... second half of the 4th century

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 4 2004: Judiciary and Lawcourts


Judiciary and Lawcourts The lawcourts of Athens, a city notorious throughout Greece for the litigiousness of her citizens, were both numerous and large. Several of these lawcourts were in the immediate ... AgoraPicBk 4 2004: Judiciary and Lawcourts

[Agora Webpage] Publications: Monographs


Monographs Excavations in the civic and cultural center of classical Athens began in 1931 and have continued almost without interruption to the present day. The first Athenian Agora volumes presenting ... 978-0-87661-204-0Volume: 4 The author has used ... 978-0-87661-206-4Volume: 6 The volume contains a ... 28 stone) and measures (75