[Agora Object] Agora XXIX, no. 1707

Krater: Asia Minor? Two nonjoining sections: one wall fragment (b: P 3229 b) and part of wall and rim (a: P 3229 a+ P 20593). Upper body of calyx krater with widely flaring, molded, overhanging rim ... Context of 150 to early 1st century ... P.H. (a) 16.5, (b) 14.0; est. Diam. of rim 40.0.

[Agora Object] Agora XXIX, no. 1719

Fish-plate. Segment of plate from rim to edge of depression. Low, flaring ring foot; broad, beveled resting surface; convex underside. Concave floor. Groove around depression. Narrow, heavy rim meets ... Context of before ca. 180 ... Samaria III, no. 2, p. 265, fig. 56:2; ÉtThas VII, no. 37, p. 136, pl. LXI;