[Corinth Publication] Figurative Iconography from Corinth, Ithaka and Pithekoussai: Aetos 600 Reconsidered

Morgan, Catherine ... The Annual of the British School at Athens 96 This article reappraises the iconography and function of an architectural model or pyxis from Aetos on Ithaka, represented by four sherds originally published ... January ... dated to the third quarter of the eighth century ... The Annual of the British School at Athens ... (1948), 101-2 as part of the

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Ekklesia


The Ekklesia (Citizens' Assembly) All Athenian citizens had the right to attend and vote in the Ekklesia, a full popular assembly which met about every 10 days. All decrees (psephismata) were ratified ... Birth of Democracy: The Ekklesia

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Jury


The Jury The jurors for each trial were chosen from a large body of citizens available for jury duty for the period of one year. At the beginning of the year, each juror was given a bronze pinakion, a ... Birth of Democracy: The Jury

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Prytaneis


The Prytaneis (Executive Committee) The senators administered their meetings themselves. Each tribal contingent in the Boule served in rotation for a period of 35 or 36 days as the Prytaneis, or Executive ... administration, the schedule, order of ... circular shape of the Tholos is ... sunshade. The roof was made of