[Corinth Lot] LOT 2323: Agora SW Section K

Area VI, el. 85.34-85.12; pottery date of mid-13th c. AC ... NB291 B4 P55

[Agora Lot] Ζ 194: Tholos Trench A; Layer VI

Chiefly mid 5th c. B.C. with some Hellenistic and Roman intrusions ... 4th B.C. - 5th A.D ... 4th B.C. - 5th A.D.

[Agora Lot] Β 195: Cut to South of Metroon; Layer VI

Middle of 4th B.C ... Cut to South of Metroon; Layer VI

[Agora Lot] Β 507: Room to North of Tholos; Layer VI

Late 5th-4th B.C ... Room to North of Tholos; Layer VI

[Agora Lot] ΞΞ 6: Fill in Built Pit under Layer IV

Red figure ( 1 sherd); black glaze; some stamped; 4 loomweights, pyramidal, lamps V-VI; coarse; animal bones ... Late 5th B.C. - Early 4th B.C ... Red figure ( 1 sherd); black glaze; some stamped; 4 loomweights, pyramidal, lamps V-VI

[Corinth Lot] LOT 3214: LT: Stereo-like earth below the Roman Propylon N-P:19-20 and south of Building M-N:19

Original stratum: LT: Area Gamma: cut 6:1965: test to north of wall 69, stratum VI: hard red stereo-like earth, -1.25 to -1.85 m. below ground level or from -1.00/1.60 to -1.60/1.75 m. below 69 (+172.26) ... stratum VI: hard red

[Agora Lot] Β 594: Corridor between Tholos and Metroon; West Martyr; Layers VI-IX

First half of 4th B.C ... Corridor between Tholos and Metroon; West Martyr; Layers VI-IX