[Agora Lot] ΛΛ 37: Hellenistic House 3; Room 18; Grave V; Strosis 7; Contents

small bones; burned pottery, almost all broken. Burned filling, joins with that of 94/ΙΘ. This layer is only ca. 0.08m deep. Also, some carbonized wheat (?) ... Late 4th B.C.

[Agora Lot] ΛΛ 38: Hellenistic House 3; Room 18; Grave V; Hole to West over Bedrock

Soft, gravely filling with tiles and amphorae ... 4th B.C.

[Agora Lot] ΛΛ 39: Hellenistic House 3; Casting Pit A; Upper Filling

Mostly coarse; one dish with circles and Type VII lamp ... 4th - 3rd B.C.