[Agora Deposit] H 6:9: Cave Cistern

Cistern-system west of the Stoa of Zeus. Two chambers connected by a tunnel, each with two fills. Lower fill in south chamber contemporary with upper fill in north chamber, at the end of the 4th c. B.C ... Ca. 375-160 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] H-I 12:1: Burnt Layers

Burnt Layer inside retaining wall of Middle Stoa Terrace (Θ) and NW Corner of Middle Stoa, burnt debris inside terrace retaining wall (Ζ). Coins Ζ: Coins Θ: 1 June 1951 ... Mid-3rd c. A.D.


[Agora Deposit] I 3:1: Well Under Room I of Byzantine House

A tile lined well under Room I of Byzantine House. A concrete shaft belonging to the mill cut off the top of the well and left in place 3 complete sets of tiles and most of a fourth set. All but the lowest ... 17-18 c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] I 9:1: Metroon-Drain Cut

Exploration in the area between the east front of the Hellenistic Metroon and the Great Drain, from accumulated road metal of early north-south road. For levels in the same road further south, see F-G ... 575-525 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] I 16:1: Well

Homer A. Thompson ... Well at the northwest foot of the Areopagus. Use filling of the Roman period. After the abandonment of the well and the collapse of the well-curb, the upper 2m of the shaft were filled with a dump apparently ... 1st-3rd c. A.D., 5th century

[Agora Deposit] I 16:1.3: First POU

Coins: 8 June 1932 #2-#9 9 June 1932 #1-#14 10 June 1932 #1-#13 11 June 1932 #1-#9 13 June 1932 #1-#3, #6 (dump) ... 1st-3d c. A.D.