
[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 210, spread 66 (pp. 122 - 123)

122 123 Pg. 122, A-IA / 37-62, 24/4/1959, NB210 B13, A-IA / 37-62, Lot 177, Late 12th century Pg. 122, A-IA / 37-62, 24/4/1959, NB210 B13, A-IA / 37-62, MF 9958, BRONGW LOOM COMB Pg. 122, A-IA / 37-62, ... 24/4/1959


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 210, spread 67 (pp. 124 - 125)

124 125 Pg. 124, 24/4/1959, Lot 332 Pg. 124, 24/4/1959, MF 9969, BRONGE BYZANTINE BELT BUCKLE Pg. 124, 24/4/1959, Coin 1959 1211 Pg. 124, 24/4/1959, Lot 333 Pg. 125, I?-IZ / 35-67, 24/4/1959, Coin 1959 ... 24/4/1959


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 211, spread 14 (pp. 18 - 19)

18 19 Pg. 18, 21/4/1959, C 1959 27, pithos lid Pg. 18, 22/4/1959, L 4083, LAMP, LATE TYPE XXVIII; terra cotta lamp type XXVIII Pg. 19, 21/4/1959, C 1959 45, stamped amphora handle Pg. 19, 23/4/1959, MF ... 21/4/1959, 22/4/1959, 23/4/1959


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 211, spread 15 (pp. 20 - 21)

20 21 Pg. 20, 14/4/1959, M 9949, belt buckle Pg. 20, 17/4/1959, C 1959 28, sherd graffito Pg. 21, 25/4/1959, C 1959 29, sherd incised ware Pg. 21, 24/4/1959, MF 9982, ivory lead ... 14/4/1959, 17/4/1959, 25/4/1959, 24/4/1959


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 211, spread 17 (pp. 24 - 25)

24 25 Pg. 24, 20/4/1959, MF 9962, bronge pin Pg. 24, 23/4/1959, C 1959 58, clay coarse [?] Pg. 24, 24/4/1959, MF 9969, bronge Byzantine belt buckle Pg. 25, 28/4/1959, MF 9997, Whetstone Pg. 25, 28/4/1959, ... 20/4/1959, 23/4/1959, 24/4/1959, 28/4/1959


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 211, spread 18 (pp. 26 - 27)

26 27 Pg. 26, 28/4/1959, MF 9998, mold Pg. 26, 29/4/1959, S 2627, fragmen tof sculpture Pg. 27, 24/4/1959, C 1959 32, Byzantine dish Pg. 27, 24/4/1959, L 4084, Roman lamp Pg. 27, 22/4/1959, C 1959 33, ... 28/4/1959, 29/4/1959, 24/4/1959, 22/4/1959


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 211, spread 20 (pp. 30 - 31)

30 31 Pg. 30, 5/5/1959, S 2629, fragment of sculpture Pg. 30, 24/4/1959, C 1959 37, INCISED WARE PLATE; frasment og Byzantine sgraffito ware Pg. 31, 6/5/1959, FA 446, PENTAGONAL ANTEFIX ON CORINTHIAN COVER ... 5/5/1959, 24/4/1959, 6/5/1959, 7/5/1959


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 211, spread 21 (pp. 32 - 33)

32 33 Pg. 32, 7/5/1959, S 2630, BEARDED MALE; sculptured head Pg. 32, 22/4/1959, C 1959 39, dish of which greater part preserved Pg. 33, 9/5/1959, MF 10036, STONE TILE; Ring mold ... 7/5/1959, 22/4/1959, 9/5/1959