[Agora Deposit] E 11:2: Well

Well cut through cistern at 40/Θ on Kolonos Agoraios (E 11:1). Two use periods plus an upper dumped fill from which the following objects: B 319, I 3994, SS 5745, T 1235. Coins: 6 April 1936 #18-#21 7 ... First half of 1st c. A.D. 4th-early 5th c. A.D.


[Agora Image] 2012.25.0079 (6-356)

Plastic lamp ... AMS Horizontal (normal)


[Agora Image] 2012.54.0494 (LXVIII-95)

Roman plastic lamps ... AMS Horizontal (normal)


[Agora Image] 2012.54.0495 (LXVIII-96)

Roman plastic lamps ... AMS Horizontal (normal)


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 5, s. 66, p. 52

Well. Hesperia, 19, 1950, p. 333, pl. 106,a. Amm. Marc., XXIII, 6, 24. Script. Hist. Aug., Marcus Aurelius, 13, 3; 13,5; 17,2; 21,6. Hesperia 5, 1936, pp. 91-122. Hesperia, 18, 1949, p. 55. I.G., II², ... Agora 5 52 A 652 IL 369 BI 232 P 7535 P 7538 L 2503 P 7536 L 3104 P 7537 L 2301 E 11:2 E 14:2


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 5, s. 151, p. 137

Agora 5 137 G 78 IL 634 G 79 IL 635 G 80 IL 636 IL 637 G 111 IL 638 G 144 G 145 IL 777 G 146 G 147 G 148 L 382 G 149 G 150 L 1015 G 151 G 152 L 1104 G 153 L 1105 G 154 L 1106 G 155 G 156 L 1245 G 157 L ...