[Agora Object] PNP 486: Large Skyphos Fragment

Rim fragment. Helmeted head ot left preserve to below ear. Egg-pattern above the picture at the rim. Relief contour. Glaze greenish.

[Agora Object] PNP 487: ? Krater Fragment

Upper half of head of a youth to left; fillet and wreath on his curly hair. He is watching an Eros flying to the left, of whom a small part of the beginning of the wings and his right part to the knee ... 1936

[Agora Object] PNP 488: Panathenaic Amphora Fragment

Torso of Satyr three quarters to left; he holds a torch in his right hand and a plate with pyramid and other cakes. Probably a statue on one of the columns on each side of Athena. Inside glaze slant ... October 1932

[Agora Object] PNP 489: Bell Krater Fragment

Slightly bent head of youth to right; part of woman three quarters to left, right arm raised to the level of the head. She wears peplos and bracelet. Ends of a thick glazed band and of a relief line in ...

[Agora Object] PNP 490: Bell Krater Fragment

Lower half of youth frontal; himation hanging down on his back. In front of him an altar of which the upper left corner is only preserved. left foot of an Eros flying above the altar is preserved. No ... 30 July 1937

[Agora Object] PNP 491: Dinochoe Type III Fragment

Fragment a. gives almost one third and of the lower part of body. Ring foot with one groove above and below. Egg and dot pattern below the picture; lower part of neck and saccos (?) of a large woman's ...


[Agora Object] PNP 492: Panathenaic Amphora Neck Fragment

Lower part of the palmette-neck ornament; ring at the join of the neck and shoulder, painted black; tongues on shoulder. Upper part of Athena's head to left and small part of her shield. The stem of the ...


[Agora Object] PNP 494: Panathenaic Amphora Fragment

Wall fragment, glazed inside Right leg and part of peplos of Athena, to left. White for the leg; the lower hemline as well as the drapery folds, incised. First half of fifth century. LI-48