[Agora Deposit] P 18:2: Well at 30/ΛΣΤ

Well at 30/ΛΣΤ Coins (none useful) 25 May 1938 #3-#6 26 May 1938 #3-#4 ... Early 3rd cent and of 4th-6th cent. A.D.


[Agora Deposit] Q 21:4: Well in Room 7 of Roman House H

Well in Room 7 of Roman House H, partially covered by caldarium of added bath complex (Room 6). Stone well-head; 0.85m in diameter. Stpped because of danger of collapse. Cut through bedrock, water from ... 6th c. A.D.


[Agora Object] S 1054: Statue of Hermes

Complete except for right hand, a bit of the caduceus and a fragment from the left arm, where there is a break, and an iron dowel, which joined the two parts in antiquity; the head made separately and ... 18 May 1938


[Agora Object] S 2435: Portrait Bust of Female Figure

Intact. Perhaps unfinished. Very personalized portrait of a middle-aged woman. Long strands of hair, parted in middle, pulled down and back over ears. Hair in back bound in a thick coil. She wears a thick ... 3rd c. A.D.


[Agora Object] S 2437: Portrait Bust of Female Figure

Complete except for chips. Mended from three pieces. Portrait of a woman, head turned to right. Long wavy hair combed up and back away from face, bound in a large coil at back. Lightly incised eyebrows, ... Last quarter of 2nd c. A.D.


[Agora Object] S 2438: Statue of Herakles

Complete except for left hand, right forearm and hand, upper part of club and chips from feet, genitals and nose. Statue of very youthful Herakles. Weight on left leg, right leg forward, and slightly bent; ... 22 July 1971


[Agora Publication] Late Antiquity: A.D. 267-700

Frantz, M. A ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... This book collects for the first time the archaeological and historical evidence for the area of the Athenian Agora in late antiquity, a period which spans the last flourishing of the great philosophical ... 1988