
[Corinth Coin] 2009 114: Byzantine Copper/Bronze Coin (AD 1092 - AD 1399)

AE North of Nezi 6416; from sieve Excavation Date: 5/14/2009 Basket 6416, Nezi Field, context 6416, . MJ Dewey-Gallimore:illegible OZ:late Byzantine, broken, not a trachy ... AD 1092 - AD 1399


[Corinth Coin] 2009 115: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze As of Constantius II (AD 337 - AD 340)

Constantius II ... AE [DN CONSTAN] -TIVS PF AVG Emperor head r., laur. [GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS] two soldiers, one standard inex., CONS North of Nezi 6416; from sieve Excavation Date: 5/16/2009 Basket 6416, Nezi Field, context ... AD 337 - AD 340