[Corinth Coin] 2015 216: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE koppa Pegasos flg. L. trident, Δ – Ω Amphora Fill of RT along NS wall, el. 81.10, South Stoa, context 37, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 217: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE Type 13, uncertain controls, Pegasos flg. L. Trident fill or RT along NS wall, South Stoa, context 37, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 218: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin

AE corroded and swollen, possibly Peg/tri illegible illegible fill of E-W robbing trench, level 1, South Stoa, context 54, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 219: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Sikyon Mint

Sikyon ... AE Dove flg. R. Σ[?] in wreath tying below well, 8th deposit from top, South Stoa, context 53, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 220: Greek Copper/Bronze Dichalkon, Argos Mint (125 BC - 80 BC)

Argos ... AE AE Dichalkon? Late 2nd c. – 80s BCE? Head of Hera r., wearing stephane Pillar-fountain; helmet – heta above, trace of letters (K – Λ?) below E-W robbing trench, sieve, South Stoa, context 54, ... 125 BC - 80 BC

[Corinth Coin] 2015 221: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint

Corinth ... AE obv encrusted, uncertain control Pegasos flg. L. Trident, H? – [ ] well fill, 9th deposit from top, sieve, South Stoa, context 55, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 222: Illegible Copper/Bronze coin

AE Greek autonomous or Roman Provincial illegible illegible well fill, 10th deposit from top, el. 78.76, South Stoa, context 56, .

[Corinth Coin] 2015 223: Greek Copper/Bronze Trichalkon, Sikyon Mint (196 BC - 146 BC)

Sikyon ... AE -196--146? ΣI above, Dove feeding r. [Tripod-lebes] in wreath tying below well fill, 11th deposit from top, sieve, South Stoa, context 57, ... 196 BC - 146 BC